
Dear Nice White Animal Rights Lady, 

No sorry.

I don't have a penny. 


I don't have a dime.

And I really don't have the time

to hear about the animals. 


I know, I know. 

It's sad. And I feel really bad. 

But I don't have a penny.

Because the things weighing in my heart have been many.

I don't know if you know (you probably don't know).

But it's been a rough couple of weeks for Black people. 

Philando's killer walked free.

So sorry. I don't have a penny. 


It's been a rough couple of weeks for Black people. 

They murdered Charleena in front of her kids. 


Not like the baby goat kind.

The human kind.

So that's what's been on my mind. 


I'm still trying to figure out HOW. 

So forgive me if Fido and Fefe aren't high on my list right now. 

I'm trying to deal with THIS right now. 


Sorry, I can't care if the Black Lab's water isn't clean. 

But Tamir never got to turn 13. 


Police kill us, mothers bury children. 

Police kill dogs, families get 1 million. 


I wonder what the price of Sandra's life would be? 


I know this is a lot to lay on you, you need donations and wanted to know if I had any. 


But I got a lot on my mind right now. 


Sorry, I don't have a penny.